Community Volunteering in 2024

If you’re looking for a way to get out and about in 2024, meet new people, and help make Mole Valley even more beautiful, then becoming a community volunteer could be for you!

Whether restoring a community garden, bringing the family along for a litter pick, or even helping to build a bee hotel, there’s something for everyone! For more information, activity locations, and dates, register your interest with our Community Volunteering Project Officer, Emily Ayres, via the sign up button below!

Upcoming Events

Sun 1st September – Buckland Pond Clearance

Sign Up Here!

Wellbeing Walks Help Wanted!

  • Where: Mole Valley
  • When: Mon – Sun
  • Who’s It For: All Welcome

Support & improve physical fitness & mental health through regular short free accessible group walks with a volunteer trained walk leader.

Please send our walks co-ordinator, Estelle Holmes, an email detailing your interest in getting involved as a walk leader or backstop.  You will be trained and supported by Ramblers Wellbeing Walks as part of a friendly group of volunteers.

Sign Up Here!