Candidate and Election Spending – July 2024 UK Parliamentary General Election

Candidate Election Expenses

During the election period, there are limits on how much money candidates can spend as part of their campaign.

There are also controls on how candidates receive financial support for campaigning.

Once the election has concluded, candidates and agents must account for any expenses incurred during the election, as well as any donations they have received.

This takes place through an Expenses Account, which must be submitted to the Proper Officer at the Council.

The deadline to submit an expenses return is Friday 9 August 2024.

When do the candidate spending laws apply?

Spending laws apply during the ‘regulated period’.

At a UK Parliamentary General Election (UKPGE), there can be two separate regulated periods. These periods are called the ‘long campaign’ and the ‘short campaign’.

There is no long campaign at the 2024 UKPGE

The short campaign begins on the day after the date you officially become a candidate and ends on polling day.

Spending Limits

The spending limit is based on a fixed amount, plus an amount per registered elector in the constituency. The spending limit for the 2024 UKPGE is:

Fixed amountAmount per registered electorElectorate*Total:

The calculation is 69,943 x 0.12 = 8,393.16. This is added to the fixed amount to give a total of £19,783.16.

*This is the electorate on Tuesday 4 June 2024, which is the last day permitted for the publication of the Notice of Election