
We are required to monitor the progress made on the preparation and implementation of the Local Plan.

Authority Monitoring Report

Our latest report, for 2022/23, was published in December 2023 and covers:

  • the progress on the production of Local Plan documents; and
  • the monitoring of a framework of indicators including the number of dwellings completed, affordable housing and the delivery of land developed for employment purposes

Housing Land Supply

In certain circumstances, national planning policy requires local planning authorities to identify and update annually a supply of specific deliverable sites to meet their housing requirement over a specific time period. We were required to demonstrate a four-year housing land supply and the latest annual review was published in 2024.

Housing Delivery Test Action Plan

The Housing Delivery Test is an annual measurement that compares housing delivery against the number of homes required.

If the test shows that housing delivery is below the amount of homes required, depending on the level of shortfall, certain policies will apply.

Where delivery falls below 95% of the housing requirement, local planning authorities are required to prepare an Action Plan to assess the causes of under delivery and identify actions to increase delivery in the future.

The 2022 Housing Delivery Test results were published in December 2023 and showed housing delivery in Mole Valley was below 95% of the housing requirement. For that reason we prepared an Action Plan in accordance with national planning policy and our Action Plan was published on 29 May 2024.

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